After minting a memecoin, a solo developer now has to grow his Frankenstein creation into a success.
You might not know Dreesus, but if you’ve been following crypto the last few months you’re likely familiar with his work.
the launch of his Simple Cool Automatic Money ($SCAM) token, the
pseudonymous developer garnered coverage from a seemingly endless list
of mainstream and cryptomedia publications, including Vice, The Wall
Street Journal, Benzinga, Mic, The Verge, The Week, and CNBC, among
Launched in early May at the peak of the memecoin bubble,
SCAM was part experiment — Dreesus had never launched a token before —
and part an effort to make fun of other, overhyped shitcoin. However, in
the mania it somehow managed to improbably take off, and now its
creator is tasked with leading a Frankenstein crypto project that he
started essentially by accident.
“There’s so much that’s bigger
than me right now… people put money in this, so now I have to make this
something useful,” Dreesus told Cointelegraph in an interview in Miami.

I put that coin, that liquidity pool together, once there was a chart,
that became a consciousness outside of myself. I need to use everything
in my power to make it better.”
Memes get real
of what’s driving Dreesus is a burning desire to prove his doubters
wrong. He took aim in particular at CNBC correspondent Douglas
Boneparthe, who he describes as “some CNBC motherfucker.”
lack of background research is what rankled him: with just a few quick
Google searches it’s easy to find his real name, and from there his
dozens and dozens of IMDB credits — he’s a successful Production Manager
who once had two shows running back-to-back on a primetime channel.
Nonetheless, the media insisted on describing him as a “Tik-Tokker” — an
infantile label he thinks was designed to make his coin’s success look
like an oddity.
“You talk down to something you don’t understand. These [journalists]
are still talking about the same five FAANG companies that own 95% of
the marketshare, and then they talk about crypto like it's a Ponzi
scheme,” he says.
The best way to get revenge, as he sees it, is
by adding real value to the world — something that careerist talking
heads don’t know much about, he says.
“I like making them sick
now. It makes me go harder. I’m going to make something that’s useful
for this world, and they’re going to be talking about my coin. They went
to school ten, twenty years, did all this finance and law stuff, worked
their way up from coffee boy — and they have to talk about my project,”
he cackles.
Right now, the plans to make the project legit
currently takes the form of an educational platform where Dreesus walks
through the basics of using popular DeFi applications and chains. As he
sees it, there’s a profound information asymmetry for casual investors —
anything they have access to has already been pumped.
I’m trying to teach people is to be early. And you can be early.
There’s no boundaries to us, like there is in stocks — in stocks you
need $5-10 million to get in on Coinbase at $02., and they say “protect
retail investors”... you’re going to protect investors by making them
wait until the stock is $400 and let them dump on everyone?”
Winners and losers
perspective is somewhat skewed, given that he created a meme token that
attracted, at its peak, $70 million in liquidity — he knows better than
most how irrational the market is. His point in education isn’t to make
people think they can all win — in fact, he thinks most people are
going to lose.
“It’s a part of the game, it’s life — even if you put all your money in a savings account, you’re not gonna win.
It’s about giving folks a chance to really win. There might be someone
right now with less money but more hunger than me, and if you give them
the tools to go out there, they’re going to succeed. Some people are
going to fail all day, whether you help them or not, but my goal is to
help people who can help themselves.”

a position Dreesus will be well suited for. He’s effortlessly
loquacious, but without the slightest hint of pretension — in another
life he might have been a preacher. Additionally, someone recently
pointed out to him that he’s one of the few Black developers in the
space, he said — and as a result he feels an obligation to keep
“I know I’ve devoted my life to the crypto
space… not just my project, but what crypto can do for the world. I got
time to fall on my ass a little bit, and I got more than enough time to
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